My mom, stepfather and brother are in town. It's so good to have family come to you every now and then....especially when you are pregnant and you have HORRIBLE road rage. Traveling is not all it used to be anymore. (I know, I know! If I think traveling is bad when I'm pregnant, just wait until I have to travel with a newborn!)
Anyway, as most of you know, I am 5 months pregnant. (YAY!) I hope to start updating this blog more so that you can see pictures of my expanding waistline. My mom insists that this will be the easiest way to keep people updated and informed as due date draws near.
Just to fill some of you in....
I am due December 31st! This is good and bad. It's great because New Year's Eve is absolutely my favorite holiday. This due date is bad because I'm a tax auditor. If this little one doesn't join us in tax year 2007 for that marvelous tax deduction, all of my co-workers are going to make fun of me! WRAL gives free diapers to the first baby born in Raleigh each year. Listen up, little one, I don't want free diapers. We want a really big tax refund! I will be doing the baby dance beginning December 1...trying to bring on the labor before the end of the month!
Also, in case anyone was wondering if we are having a boy or a goes....(A little background)...
Caleb really wanted to find out what we were having. I, on the other hand, thought it would be really nice for a surprise since this is our first one! It's not like we're going to be disappointed if we get one verus the other. Anyway, we made a deal. We would tell the ultrasound tech that we wanted to know what we were having ONLY if Caleb agreed to sit through 12-weeks worth of birthing classes....hehe!
Needless to say, the BIG day arrived. We planned to find out. Our little one was moving here and there and wiggling the toes and waving the arms and bobbing the head.....but it kept those little baby legs sealed shut. No amount of poking or shifting made any difference.
So, the good news is.....we're having a healthy surprise!
The other good news is....we're still taking the 12-week birthing class!!!
We plan to find out what we are having if I need another ultrasound. (It's very likely we'll find out in the next couple of months, because our little one LOVES to scare its mom just so it can get its picture taken.) I've had a ultrasound at 6, 8, 12 and 18 weeks! When I get home from work, I'll post the pics!
More to come about Caleb's first pregnancy class. Seriously, you can't take my husband anywhere! I swear, it was like he was in middle school....all because of the word Kegel!
More to come....I hope....I'm so bad with keeping up with will probably just turn into a post the pics blog again!
To my readers, however few:
15 years ago
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