Things have been pretty busy lately....thus the reason for the lack of posts. I do have some pictures that I hope to add soon!
Let's my back started really hurting last week. I could not even sit at my desk without stabbing pains in my upper back between my shoulder blades. By Thursday of that week, it was too much to take. I set up a chiropractor appointment.
Keep in mind, I have NEVER been to a chiropractor before AND my mom is a physical therapist (so she thinks that they are all the devil). I was planning to go to MD the next day for my Baltimore Baby Shower and I knew that if I didn't get some help with my backpain, that trip would have been a nightmare.
The chiropractor visit was FINE. I survived! I was put on this roller coaster massaging machine (and Little One was kicking up a storm...he LOVED it!) Then, my upper back was "adjusted". The doc said that my rib bones were pressing into my back (Oh the joys of pregnancy). She said with all the relaxin in my body, all she had to do was blow and they would go back into place. (She didn't just blow...but it didn't hurt either) But, that also means that they can go back to being out-of-whack again in no time at all. I will probably schedule another appointment or two between now and delivery day.
Anyway.....because of that visit, the trip to Maryland was wonderfull! My mom threw an amazing party and kept to a true "Fall-Like" theme (per my request- I love Maryland in the Fall). My mom's co-workers all pitched in and one even brought a beautiful cake. My mom's friends from High School (my fake aunts) were all there as well. Joe and Christina were able to be there and Joe provided some much needed "guy-time" for Caleb (Poor Caleb has been to EVERY baby shower that I have had....hehe...I promise, I didn't plan this!) Others were there as well....and really made the event wonderful.
Oh! The nursery is painted! Carson surprised us while we were out of town....he painted the accent wall in our hallway (it's like 40 feet tall) and painted the nursery, too! Soon I will be able to hang all the pictures and wall hangs. The crib has been's so exciting!
Again, I hope to post the pictures from the shower soon along with my 33 week photo that I took on Sunday.
1 week to Thanksgiving
5 weeks to Christmas
6 weeks to my due date
To my readers, however few:
15 years ago
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