I hope so. I have missed all of you. Our life, lately, has had its share of ups and downs.
Last week, we officially applied for our Visa to move overseas. PHEW!
The week before that was spent running all over the place gathering physicals, blood tests, background checks.....and then sitting in front of a computer verifying that we had all the right information. In typical Adrienne fashion, I managed to get EVERYTHING we needed....but THEN realized that all the documents had to have original signatures of the doctor, lab, radiologist, etc. So, I spent the second half of the week running all over the place getting those. Then, last Monday, I drove to DC to "Fix" my passport. Long story short, I didn't have to make that trip afterall.
But, it's over.....so I have spent this past week "catching up on life". E-mails, Thank-You's, Phone Calls, Christmas Lists, Thanksgiving Plans, etc= B-U-S-Y.
I am honestly ready for a "ME-ONLY" day, but I don't think that I will be getting that anytime soon!
Yesterday, we sold our car which is a HUGE answer to prayer. Now, we are busy packing and organizing our house for the big move on December 15th. (Of course, after watching football this afternoon- Gotta keep priorities, right?)
So, I hope to catch up with the blog and fill you in on our life. I am so afraid that during this time of transition, I am going to look back and have regrets- "I wish I had spent more time with so-and-so, or I wish I had done this or that before I moved, etc". I am trying to learn to take time for myself and spend time with my family. Ben has been a realy trooper through all this paperwork. He is going to be a great helper packing and organizing. He loves to be involved!
I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving....I know that we will!
To my readers, however few:
15 years ago
1 comment:
Don't you just hate when you think you have everything and surprise... not so much! glad to hear it's all taken care of now! well at least the passport...
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