Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009


Clearly, I am obsessed with my husband and my son. So, here's a post dedicated to all the other things that I am either OBSESSED with or thoroughly ENJOY:

1) Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. Worth your read! I'm obsessed with paying off debt!
2) Bath Bombs by LUSH- Heaven on earth, People!

3) aerie by American Eagle: http://www.ae.com/aerie/index.jsp

4) Papua New Guinea

5) Grey's Anatomy- Even though I don't like this season as much as past seasons, I'm still obsessed with this show and watch it religiously.

6) House-

7)Grace Community Church- Probably should be higher up on the list, but these are not in order.

8) The Oyster Bar in Raleigh. We're going Friday night to celebrate our birthdays!
That's all I can think of for right now. It's a good start...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just For Fun....

One of my favorite movies is Love Actually. i watched it this past week-end when Caleb worked off-duty. Here's a picture from the movie: Uncle Sam wants YOU to pay your taxes (couldn't resist!):

Caleb's Dream:

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Call Me Killer??

We got the news last week. Ben hit a boy twice his size at daycare with a block. When the boy started screaming at the top of his lungs, Ben just stared at him like, "What? Why are you crying? I dare you to hit me back."

In other news, he has stopped hitting Kirk as hard. Instead, he runs up to the dog and starts hugging him like Kirk is his soft puppy pillow. Kirk is still not very comfortable with this, but has not bit Ben.....yet.

Ben has an appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor on March 3. I want someone else to look at his tongue to see if they think we should have it clipped. As for "words", he can say Mama, Dada, "Woof" and sometimes "bababa" (when asked, what does a sheep say?").....oh yeah, he can say "uh-uh" instead of "uh-oh". Sometimes he says "Hi-hi-hi" or "bye-bye-bye-bye". But, none of these "words/sounds" are said consistently or on demand. So, we're working on all of that. He's learning more and more every day!

It is amazing to watch Ben learn more and more. Even though I am so focused on Ben "talking", I don't want to fail to mention all of the other things he is doing each and every day. He WATCHES Caleb like a hawk and tries to do EVERYTHING his daddy does. He brushes his teeth, tries to put on his socks and shoes, can put some of the shapes into his cookie jar slots all by himself, knows where to put all his animal puzzle pieces, has mastered "So Big", clapping, waving, giving kisses....the list could go on and on. It is amazing to see him turn into this big boy.

I'll stop bragging now....BUT IT IS MY BLOG!

Last news (again, mainly for all the Grandma's), he now has his bottom two teeth, top two teeth and the two canines have broken through. More may be in there....but he won't let us look! Oh! I should try and get a video of his temper tantrums. Those are a real "blast"!

Hopefully all of these posts will hold you over til the week-end. My best friend from FL is coming to visit while Caleb goes to PA to speak at his grandparents' church. More pictures to come...

Close Up- Ben-Style

I got a call from the Grandma's....I think this is longest stretch we've gone without seeing one, both or all three! Here's a close up of our little man. Don't you just want to kiss those little lips and eat up those little bottom teeth?

Videos for the Grandmom's!!

This video is here to show beach Grammy that Ben has definitely gotten the hang of the popper and LOVES it!

Most Recent Family Photo

(I'm playing catch up with my pictures, can you tell??)

Photo Shoot: Behind the Scenes

I almost forgot that I had these pictures!! Before Ben's JC Penney photoshoot last month, he fell asleep while waiting in Caleb's arms. Since we had his Benjamin Puppy Pillow, we couldn't resist setting up these pictures.

Monday, February 16, 2009

12 Month Portraits

These are scanned in....but you get the point. I'm really happy with them:

Happy Valentine's Day

Here are a couple pictures from the week-end. We started off by making home-made Valentine's for each other (Ok....so I did all the work, but Ben put stickers on mine!)
Ben enjoys having his picture taken and then seeing what it looks like:

He usually giggles when he recognizes himself.

Friday night, Ben treated us to heart shaped Papa John's pizzas. He got a little Valentine money and was feeling very generous....plus, he LOVES pizza (and we don't get it very often....ok, hardly ever at all.)

Saturday morning, I made heart-shaped pancakes:

Saturday night, Caleb made Chicken Cordon Bleu and it was FABULOUS. I should have taken pictures of that, but I guess you will just have to settle for more pictures of Ben (keeping in mind he was sick all week-end with croup! Gross....poor thing was even on steriods for 5 days.)

(He was running after me trying to hit me with the drum stick)

Friday, February 06, 2009

It's TAX Time!

Let me give you a little background about my job!

I am a tax auditor for the state and I handle individual income tax returns. I used to work in a unit that received information from the IRS (very taxpayer sensitive information) and Tax Protesters (very interesting stuff to me). Without going into all of the statutes, we basically had 3 years from the date a return was filed to audit it. And, if we found someone who was a non-filer, there currently is no statute of limitations. All this to say that when I got the question, "So are you really busy during tax season?" the answer was usually "No!". To us, year end was a little busy. For example, if I was still in that unit, I would just have to make sure that all the work I was working on for tax year 2005 was worked before April 15, 2009. And....there's a good chance that my focus would have been on 2006 & 2007 and only had a couple of things left for 2005.

But NOW, I am in a unit that works with all current year returns. We get reports each week and have 10 days MAX to review them and more like 5 days until we get a whole new stack of reports.

So, if I seem a little distant, or comment a little less on your blogs or don't respond to e-mails that night, you know why! =0) Keep in mind, I still have EVERY intention of posting on this blog.....

BTW- I am picking up Ben's 12 month pictures from JC Penney this week-end and hope to have them scanned soon!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Let There Be Adrienne!

(On our Travels and Musings blog)

Check out my POST!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bringing the World Together- One Blog Stalker/Stalkee at a Time!

If you know me, you know that I stalk as many blogs as I can find. There, I said it...fact of life!
Please check out Jessica's blog and BreastCancer3Day site:


She has an amazing story that she is trying to share with as many people as she can. If you can, please help Jessica raise the funds to walk in honor and memory of her mom!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Welcome Baby Brian!

Our friends Chris and Kristin how their little baby boy on Saturday, January 31st just after midnight! He weighed in at 7lbs, 1oz. Welcome, Little Man!
Mom and baby (and dad) are doing well!