Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year! Bring on 2010!

We celebrated New Year's with our good friends and their family at The Beach House. I think I will just start referring to the house as The House.....I have said it time and time again...this house is amazing....AND I always seem to relax the best when I am there. This year, the company added to a wonderful start to the New Year.
Rebecca, Joel and Jacob: Brandon, Amber and PANAMA:

My college friend Kelli:

Our favorite host, Pam:
Kelli is expecting another baby!! Here is a picture of her trying to wrestle the best champagne ever away from her husband. He would not let her try any:

And, as always, here is a picture of Ben at midnight:

I hope that you all spent New Year's with someone you love or amazing friends or your family. Here's to 2010....and the new adventure that it holds for us...and everyone else taking this journey with us!

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