Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School...

With the start of September comes the start of Ben's new school!! He has been enrolled in a Parent's Morning Out Program through our church. HOW COOL IS THAT? This means that 1) he will be able to interact with kids and really enjoy being the social being that he is and 2) I have 3 hours two mornings a week to work on other things. Glorious...

Doesn't he look so grown up??

He had SUCH a great day!

Here's to field trips, circle time, songs and new friends. His teachers are WONDERFUL. We can't wait to see what the fall holds...

In other news, Ben had his follow-up appointment regarding his surgery. Without going into too much detail, I was afraid he was going to have to have another surgery. Turns out that his belly button is just fine and still healing. I did not realize that the stitches take 6-8 months to dissolve. This was a huge answer to prayer...


Kelli Weyand said...

You need to tell me where this place is so I can enroll Maddie as soon as we move there! I've been looking for a place here, but I'm afraid it won't work out. She is so social, and I know she would love it. Here they do all day- 9:30 to 2:30, are there any programs with those hours?

Dawn Marie said...

He is so adorable. I love the little backpack!

Linds said...

Ben is SOOOOOO precious! Its crazy how fast he is growing up!

Garner Gang said...

What have you done with your baby?!He looks like he is all ready to go to school! I love the backpack.

LoveLladro said...

What a great program. I wish I had something like that for Chase. I do MOPS every other Friday and I am hoping he will learn to stay in the nursery... the first day didn't go well ;~)