Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good-Bye, Kirk!

Things have just not been the same around this house for Kirk once Ben was born. Our little "King Kirk" became stressed, agitated and growl-ey. He never snapped at Ben, but did not allow any Ben hugs either. Needless to say, he has officially moved in with MeeMom and PopPop Paul in Baltimore. They offered to watch him while we were in Charlotte and offered to watch him while we are in PNG. They don't think that it makes any sense to give him back for a couple of months since he is doing so well at their house.

As sad as this is for me (Caleb has not stopped jumping for joy since we got the news), I think it is best. MeeMom and PopPop buy him dog toys he can destroy and feed him well and my brother Andrew lets him sleep in his bed. Kirk now has a sister named Sandy who is a beautiful, big golden retriever.

Hopefully my mom will send pictures so I can post them soon.

Thank you SO much, MeeMom and PopPop and Uncle Andrew. This frees us up to travel more as we try to build our partnership team in the coming months. We look forward to seeing you soon.


LoveLladro said...

That stinks having to say goodbye to him but it's great that he is still in the family. I know that Riley hasn't been the same since Chase came home... it's a rough adjustment for everyone.

James and Loria Fox (Ryan) said...
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