Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One of my Addictions....

Besides me crazy, but I LOVE Barney. I never thought I would post that, but there it is for all to see. The concept just makes sense to me....normal kids dancing and singing and encouraging Ben to dance and sing with them....sometimes I do not even see the big purple dinosaur....sometimes!

My other addiction is couponing! Look at my loot:

I paid $9.00 thanks to a little bit of super easy organizing and Harris Teeter triple coupon day! My receipt says I saved over $70.00.


andiewade said...

oh i miss couponing so much!!

Dawn Marie said...

What?? Okay, what am I not doing right?

Tabetha said...

Whoo-hoo! You got some great deals! :) I have not been couponing lately. :( Just not enough time... but I hope to get back to it soon.

Brittany said...

I'm very impressed! I wouldn't say I'm addicted (some would say I am), but I do get a wonderful high off good deals!!!

LoveLladro said...

I am with Dawn... what the heck am I doing wrong?? Can you please do my grocery shopping?