Did you know that if you are an employee of the State and are injured on the job, you are required to file a report?
Here is the official report I filed:
Employee Name:
Date Injury Reported:
Name of Person Notified of Injury:
Part(s) of Body Injured:
Right Knee, Right little finger
Description of Accident: My heel got caught in my pant leg. I tripped and fell. I scraped my right knee and hurt my right little finger when I fell.
This is what actually happened:
Employee Name:
Date Injury Reported:
Name of Person Notified of Injury: Beth, Elizabeth, Silvia, Tabetha, Veena, Stephanie, Joanna, Dot , Patsy, Anthony, Bob, Cat, William, P.K., my husband, and probably many more before the end of the day
Part(s) of Body Injured:
Right Knee, Right little finger…..MY PRIDE!
Description of Accident:
At approximately 1:30PM, I bought a Diet Mountain Dew from the 4th floor vending machine. As I was leaving the break room, my right foot decided to play a trick on me and leap into the pants' leg of my left leg. This was a very mean trick to play. I fell……HARD! No one saw me! (Except maybe the security guards watching the security camera that was directly overhead. They areprobably sitting in front of the TV rewinding this incident while eating popcorn and having a good laugh!) I scraped my knee, ripped my pants and yes! there was blood. I also landed all of my weight (which is a lot because I JUST HAD A BABY) on my little itty bitty right pinky finger. OUCH! I don't think it's broken. All in all, I am very lucky to have made it out alive. In case you care, the soda did not explode when I opened it. But, I will be hesitant to go and get another one anytime soon! The End!
Cause of Accident:
Momnesia, the inability to walk in a stright line anymore, my clumsiness, my clutseyness, my thirst, my pants, my shoes, my BOOBS (I'm top heavy now), pretty much all of the above!
To my readers, however few:
15 years ago
I almost peed in my pants when I read this, I was laughing out loud at the house and I think Joe and Jennifer thought something was wrong with me. It is not funny that you fell it is funny the way you tell the story!
HA! i love your stories :). i hope your finger is better soon. (i'm constantly bumping into walls now... apparently the momnesia gets worse with each kid!)
happy first mother's day!
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