Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm a Winner!

So, I have been MIA lately due to the fact that I am now working much longer hours. My state employer has offered us comp time. We have the option to work an additional 3 1/2 hours on Monday and Tuesday and 4 hours the first and third Saturday of each month. The type of work we do during this time is actually really very data processing, mindless it's not stressful. add a little incentive, the person who completes the most review items each week can win a free lunch. Comp time and free food....what more could a pregnant girl ask for? Sign me up!

So, I won the free lunch last week! YAY! The Big Wigs came to my little cubicle and presented an envelope filled with ten crisp $1 bills....with a little sticky that reads "Lunch on us!" I was excited! (It's the little things!) I then announced to my co-worker that we should order out on Saturday with the money since we'll be working.

This happened Monday morning.

By Monday afternoon, I had a craving. Those crisp little $1 bills seemed better spent in the vending machine, not on a lunch that was 5 days away. So...I decided that I needed a little help with the "self-control". My friend Stephanie agreed to babysit my money for me so that I wouldn't buy an Oatmeal Cream Pie. I watched her as she put the envelope in her desk drawer....and then I walked away.

Wednesday Afternoon- I want a snack again. I just saw my other friend with a mouth-watering Reeces cup that was calling my name. Stephanie is not here today. Her desk drawer is not locked. It is my money afterall.....I mean, $9 can still go a long way for lunch.

So, I walked confidently to her cubicle, took out the envelope and saw her little note:

"Adrienne....I'm watching you! You better not take any of this money or else!"


I proceeded to "steal" one of my crisp dollars and walked quickly to the vending maching, giggling to myself the whole time. After savoring every last bite of my Reeces Cups, I then took the wrapper to her cubicle and inserted the empty wrapper into my envelope. I can't wait to see what she says!

All I have to say for myself is this: The baby made me do it!

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